Keelan Black

Sydney Based Software Developer

About Me

Hi! I'm Keelan and I'm from Sydney, Australia. I studied applied mathematics at Sydney University before becoming a service coordinator.

Since then, I've joined _nology's software developer program. I'm passionate about technology and excited to help businesses develop and improve their digital platforms.

My Skills

My Projects

Fake OS app

A mock iPhone OS that has three functional apps. It's designed to be viewed on a phone, but scales appropriately to all viewports. The first app is an app to convert from one unit of measurement to another, the second is a to-do note creator, and the last is a coin flip app. FakeOS is made with HTML, SASS, and JS.

Morse code translator app

An app which allows the user to translate from English to morse code and vice-versa. Morse translator is written with HTML, SASS, and JS.

Google Books API search app

This project uses the Google Books API to allow the user to search for and find books. When a book is clicked on, a modal appears showing more details about the book. This app uses SASS, JS, and react.